Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tracking Quests

As it turns out, switching things over didn't take nearly as long as I thought.  Here I am, less than a week later, with a new update to the game after having restructured most of it into a true object-oriented program.  That's good news.

While the rest of the country votes on the outcome of the future President of the United States (2012) for the next four years, I've been fiddling about with a quest system that can help track what the player is up to.  This is really helpful in the creation of journal system that the player can access via the character screen.

As you can see here, I've already created the button:

Notice the "Quest Journal" button.

If you look at the other pictures I've posted of the character screen,  you might notice some other small changes, but it's still basically the same screen.

Now, if only I had time to create the actual journal screen itself.  That would be quite the accomplishment, wouldn't it?  Oh, but wait...it seems I've been sick all week and there's nothing on television because of the election, so I guess I did have time...because here it is:

Showing the same quest you've already seen.  No sense in giving away everything about the game.

It's not 100% completed yet, but its functional.  There are still things that need to be tweaked and finished for it to be where I want.  Still, I'm not unhappy with what I've started.

And, more than that, I'm glad to be posting updates to the game again after a few months of busy work.  It feels glad to be making progress.  So, stay tuned...there's more to come.

I think it's pretty interesting how the character screen has evolved over this last year.  Instead of having you do all the legwork to compare all the screens, I'll just put them all here for you to see.

The oldest version of the character screen.  Probably from February, 2012.

The next incarnation of the character screen.  Came into being maybe June or July of 2012.

Final version of the screen (same picture as above).  Created on November 6th, 2012.

If you have opinions on which one you like better, let me know! 

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