Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bug Fixing and Overhauls

The hardest part about writing your own video game is that you're going to create a lot of bugs in the process.  Sometimes, they are very easy to locate and fix.  Other times, they aren't...and I have been known to lose hours pulling my hair out trying to figure out why something isn't working as intended.

What really makes bugs annoying is that they occasionally show up for the silliest reasons, like putting a line of code in the wrong place or doing some bit of math wrong.  Even worse is when you stare at the line for an hour and can't see why it's not working because you can't wrap your head around the idea that it might be wrong.

Programming is not for people without patience, that's for sure.

Even though bugs are annoying, what's even worse is when you plan out a whole system, program that system, fix all the bugs in that system...and then discover that you should have done something completely different.  I'm actually at that point with the way that walls are displayed in the dungeons.  I didn't include something that I should have, and as a result, I may have to redo that entire part of the program so that it's more flexible.

More than likely, it's something I will wait until after the demo is released to correct, since the demo only has one dungeon in it and won't be affected...but it's still annoying.

Aside from that, though, everything is still going great with the program.

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