Friday, November 2, 2012

Behind The Scenes

Work has resumed on Lands of Adventure, but unlike my previous posts, it's not the kind of work where I can show screenshots proving my progress.  Just this morning, I did three hours of work on the code, but you wouldn't know it from looking at the program.

For those of you who aren't programmers (which is likely a lot of you), most of what I'm about to say won't make sense.  Suffice it to say that the original version of the program was written as a procedural program rather than an object-oriented program.  The primary building blocks of any object-oriented program are the objects themselves, which I didn't implement in my first version.  A lot of that had to do with my lack of understanding of their importance and in how to implement them correctly.

One could argue that the program works fine without this implementation, but if I ever want to reuse parts of my code, creating proper class objects and functions will be essential.  If there were ever any sequels made or other CRPGs built from the engine, these classes would be necessary.  Since I'm hoping I can do something else with my work in the future, let's just say it's a good thing I'm taking the time to do this rather than taking the lazy way out.

It's a good thing for the project, especially if I ever want to bring in another programmer or two, which could happen.  There are a lot of talented coders out there who love CRPGs, after all.  I think a lot of us are geeks at heart.

I don't know how long this transition will take, so there may not be any new screenshots to show off for a bit.  But, I promise, as soon as I'm working on something shiny again, I'll post a lot of pictures.

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